Sunday, August 26, 2007

Santos HFA Registration fees for 2007 paid

Only a few days after HFA announcement, I paid for the club's fees. The time allowed is up to 8/09/007. However when only a few clubs have paid they used that as a poor excuse for delaying start of the league, inspite of the fixtures already distributed at a technical meeting held 2 days before the initial start date 18/08/007.

I want to inform Santos supporters and fans that Santos has paid its fees for 2007 complete and ready to play but for unacceptable reasons there is yet further delays.

I encouraged boys and management to get over this frustration and keep preparing.

Thanks - From JAK

Negotiations on playing field - letter

Internet Webpage:, Username: , Password: YEAR2007

Our Ref: KGfield/2007 Your Ref:
Date: 22/08/07
Sports Chairman,
KG VI School,
PO BOX R 246,

Dear Mr. Omearo


Please refer to your letter on the above dated 11/07/2007 and my sincere apology for this belated response.

I must first of all thank your school management and sports committee for that understanding reached with one of our club official paving the way for our use of the field for some time now. Additionally I also thank you for allocating a space for us in 2007 at the price quoted ($1000.00).

I had paid for HFA registration fees and will start making installment payments to you as soon as I have funds coming in from my various fundraising initiatives. Field hire is my second priority to registration fees, given the limited funds that I have.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with my intentions.

Yours Sincerely in Sports

Mr. John A. Keniapisia

Santos launched major overseas fundraising initiative



Subject to further research, we believe Santos FC, was established in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s by Mr. Mathew Houaisuta, who at that time was a vibrant Are’Are businessman in Honiara. Simultaneously he managed the well-known Narasirato panpipe. In all his business and social establishments, he had a deep concern to see Are’ Are youths, engage in worthwhile social activities. Santos FC predominantly consisted of Southern region players (Are’ Are’ & Small Malaita). Santos is still predominantly Are’Are, though we have players from other parts of Malaita as well. Santos is seen as a breeding ground for young potential footballers from Southern region, who might not otherwise have that opportunity in other clubs in Honiara. Santos has produced big local football names like Stanley Araha, Richard Mosimae and Isa’ac Maneioru. Isa’ac is Coach of the club, assisting Mr. Chris Asipara .

Santos in the olden days during the then HFA Peter Jackson league was a force to be reckoned with in Division 1. Santos managed to reach the Premier league once, and survived one season only.

It was later relegated to Division 1, where it has stayed for years, as a strong contender. This strength was evidenced last year when Santos was placed at fourth position, out of the twelve teams competing in Division 1.

Among other things, management and administration was a biggest problem for the club. A new management team under the Leadership of Mr. Henry Kausimae (Lawyer at DPP’s Office) was established this year with a vision to bring Santos into the Premier Division in 2008. Many developments have since taken place to lift the morale of players and improve the management of the club (See web page for new Executive composition – photo on handover of a new set of uniform). A constitution is being circulated and will soon be adopted before the start of 2007 HFA DJ league. I am the Treasurer (John Keniapisia – Legal Advisor and Secretary to the Board, SIEA). Raising money/funds is one of my main duties.

One of the motivations for my involvement with Santos is to be a role model and inspiration to young Areka boys. Some of our key players are students and I am proud to be associated with future Areka academics. I will name a few: Kuylard Kaotara (Form 6 Arts, Florence young), Darwin Maeriua (Form 6, KGVI), Luke Kepae (Form 6 Arts, Tenaru).

Since I came to office, I had encouraged the boys that if we can help organize ourselves then other people will be attracted to help us. With the boys cooperation we participated in a Tsunami fundraising soccer knock out and snatched $1000.00 second prize (See web page – postings). We shared $220.00 amongst the players and retained the balance, which will be used to pay for our registration fee for 2007 HFA DJ league that is due to kick off in August 2007. Besides that we have received donation of two soccer balls from two Areka business men (See web page for photo – Kausimae receiving ball from Tony Tepe).

We also have ten people (mainly management team members) contributing $10 per head forth nightly. That has been going on well. Besides that other Management team members have been using their own resources to meet incidental club expenses like bus fare for players, soccer shoes for players and players transfer fees. Many thanks to President Mr. Henry Kausimae, Secretary Mr. Willy Waroka, Team Manager Mr. Tom Aruhane and Treasurer Mr. John Keniapisia, just to name a few.

Our major immediate common expense items are: soccer balls (at least five match balls), training bibs, soccer shoes and hire of playing grounds at KG VI. In terms of priority I placed them as follows: Soccer balls ($700.00), Field hire ($1000.00), Soccer shoes ($1300.00) and Training bibs ($1000.00 for locally made ones). We told our players that due to lack of resources, we will use club money for “common needs” only rather than individual needs. Common needs, in the order of priority supplied above in bold italics.

We will be making other fundraising efforts like appeal to Areka people in town and a walkathon. Money collected will be spend in the order of priorities identified above. So if you Southern Embassy members are kind enough to assist us we will spend the money as prioritized above and pictures will be posted in our web page as evidence).

All assistance (in kind and cash) received are recorded and kept in my file for purpose of reporting, transparency and accountability. We are yet to open a bank account as our Constitution is yet to be adopted. But I assure supporters that money received is spend on club needs and records (receipts etc) are kept in my file.

We are kindly appealing to your good members to render support to their Southern brethrens in Santos FC, by giving $5.00 Fijian per head. This is only a minimum. If you feel strongly about supporting Santos and your wallet can afford please give more than $5.00. I am sure those WA’AKU”S like Paul Kausimae, Dr. Jack Koraua and Willy Hiuare just to name a few, can manage more than $5.00.

Please supply names of those who contributed and amount given for my file and records. Looking forward to your kind response.

News and update information about Santos is accessible through our web page (address supplied in our letter head in the covering letter).

When you give, you are helping a young Areka man engage in worthwhile social activity. Hence assisting our young men stay away from crime and other unacceptable behaviors. As a former USP student, I feel a sense of relationship with Southern Embassy student body. Hence I am not hesitant to ask help from you my fellow wantoks. The help you render would go a long way towards helping your fellow young men from Southern region excel in football.

I was a stronger supporter of Southern Embassy during my university days, at USP, Laucala, Campus. I can vividly recall my residence hosting Embassy gatherings on more than three occasions. I used to live off campus. Try askem one fala man hem look nice tumas name blo hem Mr. George Horoasia (USP) and he will confirm.

Compiled by John Keniapisia - Treasurer (1/08/007)

Saturday, August 25, 2007


The Santos FC boys have resumed normal training on 20/08/06 despite frustrations caused by HFA in postponing the DJ League which was announced by them to start on 18/08/07. In fact Santos FC was to take on Island Brothers FC in the first match of Division 1 on 18/08/07 had it not been for the said last minute postponement. This sudden change has caused some frustrations not only in the Santos FC boys but other HFA Clubs as well. Although, there were low turn outs at the training ground on 20/08/07 and 21/08/07, the attendance improved on 22/08/07, 23/08/07 and 24/08/07 when the Club President and Treasurer visited the boys.

The training continues as usual on Monday 27th August 2007 until the opening of the DJ League which has now been reset for 8th September 2007. The DJ League matches will now start on 15th September. In the meantime, the team spirit is still intact in the Santos FC Camp amongst players and the managment. The boys are generally in good shape and fitness level and are really looking forward to the start of the DJ League and everyone is hopeful to lift and take Santos FC one step further during the coming 2007-2008 DJ League season.

The Santos FC Team is now under the newly-appointed coach Mr. Isaac Manaore. Mr. Manaore has been engaged by the Club Management to coach the boys due to Mr. Chris Asipara's continuous absence from the training venue and lack of explanantion of absence to the managements for several months now (More details on this issue later).

Saturday, August 11, 2007


League will start this Saturday 18/08/2007. Santos has paid its registration fee already. Only $126.00 is outstanding. Now it is arranging players transfer and hope that money will permit doing this excercise.

Things are looking good and players are in high spirit for start of the season.

We made our first overseas fundraising drive attempt to Solomon Islanders in Fiji, via Mr. Willy Hiuare and we are hoping for a positive response.


From JAK (12/08/007)